Samaria Escape
It was a dark night in the dungeon the only light was a small flaming touch on the wall on the corner was a Samaria prisoner asleep suddenly he got up and rushed to the door and took out a small pouch in his pocket and put it on the door and picked up his weapons and the touch and threw it at the door BANG the door had exploded (the pouch was pitch)
The Samaria rushed threw the door and was meat buy a solider with a sword and shield the Samaria quickly manoeuvred his sword passed the sword and shield into the mans chest the solider let out a big scream and fell to the floor the Samaria herd foot steps and more soldiers ran the corner armed with crossbows the Samaria chucked two of his knives from his pack on his back into the soldiers they fell to the floor
The Samaria ran to the main gates and was met by a small army this was the only thing in his way from freedom this would be a hard task GET THE PRISNOR said the soldier they ran at the Samaria the Samaria ran at them there was a massive battle ahhhhhh offfff ekkkkkkk screamed the soldiers he had killed them all he was free.
it was a good story but it was alittle short
a good story but very badly spelt next time look in the dictionary
cool story and by the way 'Samaria is spelt Samurai'
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