Object: Rusty Knife
Setting: London Tower
Character: War Hero
Topic: Ghost's Wedding
Once upon a time there lived a war hero one day he went to the tower of London oh did I tell you he is a ghost and he has full in love again he is going to marry a rust knife why a rust knife because when he died he had a rust knife in his hand. When went to war he did not have a wife our kids his parents where died so the army beard him since he died close to water he was put to rest there the night he died he comes back to find true love so he has he dose not come back until one night they where sad so they hunted a girl she was not sad. They did not like the girl then one day she died the war hero yelled out HELPME PLEASE one day they played hide and go seek they did not find her
Then they went to the tower of London and she was there the end
By Ashley
Once upon a time there lived a war hero(.) One day he went to the tower of London oh did I tell you he is a ghost and he has full in love again he is going to marry a rust knife why a rust knife because when he died he had a rust knife in his hand. When went to war he did not have a wife our kids his parents where died so the army beard him since he died close to water he was put to rest there the night he died he comes back to find true love so he has he dose not come back the end
I think this story is needing some more actions in it did you think about adding the ghost and some
That story was incredibly short and there was no grammar put in at all. I think you need to edit it.
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